If you are have general weakness of body or mind, the first thing is to build your body (foundation), before building sexual strength:
Medicine to build general health (Medicines listed here also help to build sexual strength)
Nutritional medicines are given only in lower potencies. Higher potencies produce opposite effects. Example: Arg Nit 3, 6 helps, but Arg Nit 200 causes impotency in many patients, verified several times. Hence take only medicines only in the suggested potencies.
First Few Weeks (3 to 6 weeks) for General Health Building:
MORNING (say 10 AM): Acid Phos 3x, 2 tablets (or 6c pills 2 pills, if tablets are not available), once a day, in the morning
AFTERNOON and EVENING (say 2pm and 6pm) : Bio Chemic Combination # 16 (Nervous Exhaustion), 6 pills, once or twice a day. (classified under Bio Chemic Medicine or Cell Salts). If you dont get this, the alternate is FIVE PHOS 6x and repeat the same way
NIGHT (before going to bed): BELLIS PERENNIS 6c, 2 pills, once a day. This will increase general strength, reduce frequent urination if present, and add strength to all Pelvic organs, including Kidney (Kidney weakness accompanies Sexual Weakness according to Chinese Medicines)
ONCE A WEEK: Take BARYTA CARBONICA 200c, 2 pills, once a week (not daily). This will stimulate the body to assimilate nutrition. Dont take any of the above medicine on that day.
Continue the above medicine for a month or till you feel very energized.
6. MEDICINE TO GAIN SEXUAL STRENGTH (contributed by Dr. Priya Darshini and Dr. J K Mohla)
Mix the following medicine, 4 drops each, in 15 ml of water and take twice daily.
1. DAMIANA Q (also called as TURNERA Q)
Also take ONOSMODIUM VIRGINIANUM 1 M, 2 pills, in the morning, once a week (not daily) - say every sunday. Take this for one month only. (Applogies to Dr. J K Mohla for making some changes to his original recommendation)
Or You can also consult a Homeopathic Doctor
Homeopathic Dr Saad Ahmad
Mobile # 03131060128
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